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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thanks To All my Friends and Supporters-SELAH & EAGLES

I so appreciate all you have done for me, and dinner last night was the best.
However, I wanted to say to to all my friends that God selects ordinary people to do things that people who know us would never expect us to do. And the Lord knows that I am a very ordinary sinner saved by His Grace. It is done by and for His holy name. Remember I am just the messenger. The message comes from the king and I am sent to deliver.

It is like when I was in the military and on a work detail. I would catch an officer lurking around and I knew he was looking for volunteers for some other task. So I made myself look very busy at what I was doing. Then, I got that fatal tap on the back "Rodgers, come with me" This is the same with God. I am here in sunny Florida and basking in the sun on the beach, very busy with Church and Bible Study, and God taps me on the back " Rodgers come with me. Go to Russia, I want you there." So it is not like I am going for the tour or that I am a saint or minister. I am a regular guy who just got selected to do His work some other place. So if there is a celebration it should be His celebration; not mine.
But I sincerely thank each of you for last evening. You are all wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all of the body of Christ, and like Paul taught an eye or an ear is no more important than any in the other parts in the Body of Christ. Jesus selects each of us to do something He has made us worthy of, and so each part contributes to the the Head of the body,,, Jesus Christ. One of may serve here and another be called to serve elsewhere. Each one is equally important in doing His work.
Further, I want to thank all the Selah members who provided ball caps for me to take to the students in Mission Possible. Your generosity and quickness to respond was a miracle.


I will attempt to the best of my ability to post a video [one minute ] daily. I hope to interview as many people who are open to speaking about their personal God Experience.

I will plan on writing about 300-500 words a day letting you know of my experience in the field. Some may sound like a travel log, but keep me on track here. I really want to give you feedback on the progress I am making in Spreading the Word. As Pastor Dr Larry Thompson is preaching in his his daring "Flash Forward" message: we are in the end times and it is imperative that
we reach as many as possible NOW!

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in this way when I post you will receive an email that will take you right to the sight where you can read the daily posting.

below each posting there is a place for posting a comment. These are helpful to me to know if what I am posting is working. Video is usually a problem due the lag in uploading it to your browser. If audio sounds choppy, let the video fully buffer before you view.

Again thanks to each of you for all or support,and pray that this journey is beneficial to those I encounter.


  1. Will,
    May the Lord bless you and keep you safe as you travel. Thanks for sharing this God-sized adventure with us.
    Love and Prayers for your journey,

  2. Hi Will, Did you have any trouble getting out of the airport? Did you make it on that Wed.? Hope everything is well and you are fine and listing to God's words of widsom. Can't wait to hear about everything. Love, Karen & Wayne
